Reference Cards are supplemental or explanatory rules cards that are included in products where specific rules are relevant.
Reference Cards[]
Auxiliary Firing Arc[]
This card explains the rules for auxiliary firing arcs. Each ship in this pack has an AUXILIARY FIRING ARC identified by dotted lines printed on its ship token. these ships also have a unique primary weapon icon printed on their Ship cards. When attacking with its primary weapon, a ship with this icon may attack an enemy ship that is at Range 1–3 and inside its standard or auxiliary firing arc.
When attacking with a secondary weapon the ship must still target an enemy ship inside its standard firing arc (unless otherwise specified on the Upgrade card).
Bomb Tokens[]
Reference Card[]
The seismic charge and proximity mine tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Seismic Charge Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1 damage. Then discard this token.
- Proximity Mine Token: When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped this token rolls 3 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) and critical damage ([CRITICAL DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #2[]
Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Seismic Charge Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1 damage. Then discard this token.
- Proton Bomb Token: When this bomb token detonates, deal 1 faceup Damage card to each ship at Range 1 of the token. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #3[]
The ion bomb and Conner net tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Ion Bombs[sic] Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token receives 2 ion tokens. Then discard this token.
- Conner Net Token: When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped this token suffers 1 damage, receives 2 ion tokens, and skips its "Perform Action" step. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #4[]
(Errata-corrected card)
The ion bomb and cluster mine tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Ion Bomb Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token receives 2 ion tokens. Then discard this token.
- Cluster Mine Token: When one of these bomb tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped that token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers 1 damage for each [DAMAGE] and [CRITICAL DAMAGE] rolled. Then discard that token.
Reference Card #5[]
The ion bomb[sic] and Conner net tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Thermal Detonators Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1 damage and receives 1 stress token. Then discard this token.
- Conner Net Token: When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped this token suffers 1 damage, receives 2 ion tokens, and skips its "Perform Action" step. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #6[]
(Errata-corrected card)
The cluster mine and proximity mine tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Cluster Mine Token: When one of these bomb tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped that token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers 1 damage for each [DAMAGE] and [CRITICAL DAMAGE] rolled. Then discard that token.
- Proximity Mine Token: When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped this token rolls 3 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) and critical damage ([CRITICAL DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #7[]
The thermal detonator tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Thermal Detonators Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1 damage and receives 1 stress token. Then discard this token.
Reference Card #8[]
The bomblet tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing the following effect:
- Bomblet Token: When this token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) and critical damage ([CRITICAL DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard this token.
Boost Action[]
(Errata-corrected card)
This card explains the rules for performing a BOOST action. Ships with the [BOOST] icon in their action bar may perform a boost action. To boost, follow these steps:
- Choose the [STRAIGHT 1], [BANK LEFT 1], or [BANK RIGHT 1] maneuver template.
- Set the maneuver template between the ship's front guides.
- Move the ship to the opposite end of the template and slide the rear guides of the ship into the template.
Performing a boost does not count as executing a maneuver. A ship cannot boost if this would cause its base to overlap with another ship's base or an obstacle token, or if the maneuver template overlaps an obstacle token.
Bullseye Firing Arc[]
When attacking, if the defender is inside your bullseye firing arc, the defender cannot spend focus tokens to modify defense dice or evade tokens to add [EVADE] results.
Cloak Action[]
This card explains the rules for performing a CLOAK action. Ships with the [CLOAK] icon in their action bar may perform a cloak action.
When a ship performs the cloak action, place 1 cloak token near that ship. A ship cannot perform the cloak action while it already has a cloak token.
The agility value of a ship with a cloak token is increased by 2. While that ship Has a cloak token, it cannot perform attacks.
Cloak tokens are not removed during the End phase.
Condition Cards[]
Conditions[sic] cards are cards assigned by Ship and Upgrade cards that represent persistent game effects.
A Condition card is not in play until a game effect assigns it to a ship. When a Condition card is assigned, its text immediately resolves.
After a ship is assigned a Condition card, assign the associated Condition token to that ship as a reminder of the card's ongoing effect. That token is removed when the Condition is removed. A Condition that has been removed can be assigned again.
Unique Conditions
If one of your unique Conditions is already in play and one of your effects calls for it to be assigned again, remove the Condition card from the original ship and assign it to the new ship.
Debris Cloud Token[]
Obstacles can sometimes be dropped in the same manner as bombs. Debris clouds are obstacles as described in the core rulebook with the following exceptions:
When a ship executes a maneuver in which either the maneuver template or the ship's base physically overlaps a debris cloud token, follow these steps:
- Execute the maneuver as normal, but assign a stress token to that ship after the "Check Pilot Stress" step.
- The player rolls one attack die. On a [CRITICAL DAMAGE] result, the ship suffers 1 critical damage.
A ship that is overlapping a debris cloud token during the Combat phase may perform an attack.
(Errata-corrected card)
At the start of the Activation phase, after players have resolved all other abilities that trigger at the start of the Activation phase, each ship may spend a cloak token to DECLOAK, starting with the ship with the lowest pilot skill (using initiative to break ties). When a ship decloaks, it must choose one of the following effects:
- Perform a barrel roll using the [STRAIGHT 2] maneuver template.
- Perform a boost using the [STRAIGHT 2] maneuver template.
Decloaking is not an action or a maneuver, and a ship can decloak while it has a stress token.
A ship cannot decloak if it would overlap another ship or an obstacle token, or if the maneuver template would overlap an obstacle token.
After all declaring has been resolved, the Activation phase continues as normal.
Dual Upgrade Cards[]
Dual Upgrade cards are double-faced. Because they do not have a card back, they can be identified by the symbol in the lower left corner.
When a ship equipped with a Dual Upgrade card is placed in the play area during setup, its equipped Dual Upgrade card can be placed with either side faceup.
Dual Upgrade cards are not active until they are placed in the play area during setup. Only the face side of a Dual Upgrade card is active.
Ion Token[]
This card explains the rules for an ion token and serves as a reference to remind players of its effect.
Some card abilities, such as the "Ion Cannon Turret" Upgrade card, can cause a ship to receive an ion token. A ship with an ion token assigned to it follows special rules during these phases:
- Planning Phase: The owner does not assign a maneuver dial to this ship.
- Activation Phase: The owner moves the ship as if it were assigned a white [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver. After executing this maneuver, remove all ion tokens from the ship. It may perform actions as normal.
- Combat Phase: The ship may attack as normal.
Modifications and Titles[]
This card explains the rules for Modification and Title cards. These Upgrade cards can be identified by their card backs.
Modifications and titles are special upgrades that do not appear in any ship's upgrade bar. Any ship may equip a modification or title unless the card is restricted to a specific type of ship. Each ship is limited to one modification and one title.
Modifications and Upgrades[]
Modifications and Titles
Modifications and titles are special upgrades that do not appear in any ship's upgrade bar. Any ship may equip a modification or title unless the card is restricted to a specific type of ship. each ship is limited to one modification and one title.
Ship-Type-Restricted Upgrades
Some Upgrade cards are labeled "TIE ONLY." Cards with these labels can only be equipped to a ship whose name begins with "TIE" (for example, "TIE fighter" or "TIE striker").
Reinforce Action[]
A ship with the [REINFORCE] icon can perform the REINFORCE action. When a small or large ship performs a reinforce action, choose either the fore or aft side of a double sided reinforce token and place the token with that side face near its ship token.
When a small or large ship with a reinforce token is defending, resolve the following effects:
- If the fore side of the token is face up and the attacker is inside the defender's firing arc, add 1 [EVADE] result.
- If the aft side of the token is face up and the attacker is not inside the defender's firing arc, add 1 [EVADE] result.
This effect does not spend the reinforce token. During the End phase, remove all reinforce tokens.
Reload Action and Jam Tokens[]
Jam Tokens
When a ship has both a jam token and a focus, evade, or blue target lock token, remove the jam token. Then that ship chooses and removes one of its 1 focus, evade, or blue target lock tokens. A ship is JAMMED if it has a jam token.
Reload Action
Ships with the [RELOAD] icon in their action bar may perform a reload action. To reload, choose any number of the ship's equipped, discarded [TORPEDO] or [MISSILE] Upgrade cards and flip them faceup, then assign the ship a weapons disabled token.
A ship with a weapons disabled token assigned to it cannot perform attacks. All weapons disabled tokens are removed during the End phase.
Reverse Maneuver[]
A reverse maneuver allows a ship to move backward.
Reverse Straight Maneuver
A reverse straight maneuver ([REVERSE STRAIGHT]) is performed with a straight ([STRAIGHT]) maneuver template. However, instead of sliding the maneuver template between the front guides of the ship's base, slide it between the rear guides so that it is flush with the base. Then pick up the ship and place it at the opposite end of the template, sliding the front guides of the base into the opposite end of the template.
Reverse Bank Maneuver
A reverse bank maneuver ([REVERSE BANK LEFT] or [REVERSE BANK RIGHT]) is performed in the same manner as a reverse straight maneuver, but uses a bank ([BANK LEFT] or [BANK RIGHT]) maneuver template.
Segnor's Loop[]
This card explains the rules for performing a Segnor's Loop maneuver.
The Segnor's Loop maneuver ([SEGNOR'S LOOP LEFT] or [SEGNOR'S LOOP RIGHT]) uses the same maneuver template as a bank maneuver ([BANK LEFT] or [BANK RIGHT]). The only difference between these maneuvers is that after executing a Segnor's Loop, the player rotates his ship 180º. If a Segnor's Loop maneuver causes a ship to overlap another ship, instead treat its maneuver as a bank maneuver with the same speed, color, and direction revealed on the dial.
SLAM Action[]
Ships with the [SLAM] icon in their action bar may perform a SLAM (SubLight Acceleration Motor) action.
To SLAM, choose and execute a maneuver on the ship's dial. The chosen maneuver must be the same speed as the maneuver that ship executed this round. Then assign that ship weapons disabled token.
A ship with a weapons disabled token assigned to it cannot perform attacks. Weapons disabled tokens are removed during the End phase along with focus and evade tokens.
Performing a SLAM counts as executing a maneuver.
A ship cannot perform SLAM as a free action.
Tallon Roll[]
The Tallon Roll left [TALLON ROLL LEFT] and Tallon Roll Right [TALLON ROLL RIGHT] bearings advance a ship at a tight curve to one side, sharply changing its facing by 180°. To achieve this facing, before the player places the ship at the opposite end of the template, he rotates the ship 90° to the left for a Tallon Roll left, or 90° to the right for a Tallon Roll right
The side of the ship's base must be placed flush against the end of the maneuver template, and the end of the template cannot extend beyond the front or back of the ship's base.
Tractor Beam Token[]
(Errata-corrected card)
A ship with at least one tractor beam token assigned to it follows special rules during these phases:
- Combat Phase: The agility value of that ship is reduced by 1 for each tractor beam token, to a minimum of 0.
- End Phase: Remove all tractor beam tokens from the ship.
The first time a small ship receives a tractor beam token each round, the opposing player may chose one of the following effects:
- Perform a barrel roll using the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template. The opposing player selects the direction of the barrel roll and the final position of the ship.
- Perform a boost using the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template.
This is not an action or a maneuver, and can cause the ship to overlap obstacles (but not other ships). The ship suffers the effect of any obstacle it overlaps.
Turret Primary Weapon[]
Each ship in this pack uses a turret as its primary weapon. Thus, each Ship card shows the TURRET PRIMARY WEAPON icon, and each ship shows a circular red arrow as a reminder.
When attacking with a turret primary weapon, a ship may target an enemy ship inside or outside its firing arc. When attacking with a secondary weapon, the ship must still target a ship inside its firing arc (unless specified otherwise on the Upgrade card).
Note: When a ship is attacking with a turret weapon, range is always measured from the closet point to the closet point.
Using Bombs[]
This card explains the rules for bomb tokens and serves as a reference for their effects.
To drop a bomb token, follow these steps:
- Take the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template and slide it between the rear guides of your ship.
- Place the bomb token indicated on the Upgrade card into the play area and slide the guides of the token into the opposite end of the template.
If a bomb token is dropped on a ship, it is placed under the ship's base and does not immediately detonate.
Bomb tokens do not count as obstacles and bomb Upgrade cards do not count as secondary weapons.
Using Cargo[]
This card explains the rules for the cargo token and serves as a reference for its effects.
To drop a cargo token, follow these steps:
- Take the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template and slide it between the rear guides of your ship.
- Place the cargo token indicated on the Upgrade card into the play area and slide the guides of the token into the opposite end of the template.
If a cargo token is dropped on a ship, it is placed under the ship's base and its effects are applied immediately.
Cargo tokens count as debris cloud obstacles.
Using Cluster Mines[]
To drop the cluster mine token set, follow these steps:
- Take the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template and slide it between the rear guides of your ship.
- Place the central cluster mine token into the play area and slide the guides of the token into the opposite end of the template.
- Place 1 additional cluster mine token in each of the recessed areas of the central cluster mine token.
Pre-errata Cards[]
Bomb Tokens[]
(Original cards, the rules on these cards have been changed by errata)
Reference Card #4[]
The ion bomb and cluster mine tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Ion Bomb Token: When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token receives 2 ion tokens. Then discard this token.
- Cluster Mine Token: When one of these bomb tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped that token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard that token.
Reference Card #6[]
The cluster mine and proximity mine tokens are bomb tokens. Bomb tokens DETONATE as described on their corresponding Upgrade cards, producing one of the following effects:
- Cluster Mine Token: When one of these bomb tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped that token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard that token.
- Proximity Mine Token: When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped this token rolls 3 attack dice and suffers all damage ([DAMAGE]) and critical damage ([CRITICAL DAMAGE]) rolled. Then discard this token.
Boost Action[]
(Original card, the rules on this card have been changed by errata)
This card explains the rules for performing a BOOST action. Ships with the [BOOST] icon in their action bar may perform a boost action. To boost, follow these steps:
- Choose the [STRAIGHT 1], [BANK LEFT 1], or [BANK RIGHT 1] maneuver template.
- Set the maneuver template between the ship's front guides.
- Move the ship to the opposite end of the template and slide the rear guides of the ship into the template.
Performing a boost does not count as executing a maneuver. A ship cannot boost if this would cause its base to overlap with another ship's base or an obstacle token.
(Original card, the rules on this card have been changed by errata)
A ship may spend a cloak token to DECLOAK immediately before revealing its maneuver dial. When a ship decloaks, it must choose one of the following effects:
- Perform a barrel roll using the [STRAIGHT 2] maneuver template.
- Execute a [STRAIGHT 2] maneuver.
Decloaking is not an action or a maneuver, and a ship can decloak while it has a stress token.
A ship cannot decloak if it would overlap another ship or an obstacle token, or if the maneuver template would overlap an obstacle token.
After decloaking, the ship continues its Activation phase as normal.
Tractor Beam Token[]
(Original card, the rules on this card have been changed by errata)
A ship with at least one tractor beam token assigned to it follows special rules during these phases:
- Combat Phase: The agility value of that ship is reduced by 1 for each tractor beam token, to a minimum of 0.
- End Phase: Remove all tractor beam tokens from the ship.
The first time a small ship receives a tractor beam token each round, the opposing player chooses one of the following effects:
- Perform a barrel roll using the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template. The opposing player selects the direction of the barrel roll and the final position of the ship.
- Perform a boost using the [STRAIGHT 1] maneuver template.
This is not an action or a maneuver, and can cause the ship to overlap obstacles (but not other ships).