X-Wing Miniatures Wiki

Keyan Farlander Card

Keyan Farlander, nicknamed Lucky, was an Agamarian male Jedi Knight who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and New Republic military. He was the pilot of the sole Y-wing that survived the Battle of Yavin.

Years later, following simulator training on the B-wing, Farlander got to use the new bomber in combat for the first time in an attack on a TIE fighter

staging area near Yunkor IX. He was later one of four handpicked pilots for a mission to destroy an Imperial weapons research facility that was attempting to recreate the Ram's Head's shield technology.

B-Wing Move

B-Wing Maneuver Card

Card Text/Abilities

When attacking, you may remove 1 stress token to change all of your focus results to hit results.

Possible Upgrades

EliteCrew (if B-Wing/E2 is fielded for this ship) • SystemCannonTorpedoes (2)Modification


  • When attacking, if Keyan Farlander has a stress token, he can use his ability even if he hasn’t rolled any focus results; in this case, no dice are modified but 1 stress token is removed.
  • Keyan Farlander can use his ability only once per attack. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 3.1.1, Updated 07/24/2015)

Available Through

Rebel Aces Expansion Pack
