X-Wing Miniatures Wiki
Dengar errata web
Swx42 dial

JumpMaster Maneuver Dial

Crude and slovenly, Dengar was nonetheless an effective bounty hunter. While some hunters prided themselves on finesse and style, Dengar preferred firepower and destruction. Despite his scruffy-looking and battered exterior, Dengar thought highly of himself, enough to make blunt passes at shapely females that caught his eye. Despite these obnoxious qualities, Boba Fett enjoyed working with Dengar and held him in high regard due to his proven track record in hunting down prey.

Card Text/Abilities[]

Once per round after defending, if the attacker is inside your firing arc, you may perform an attack against that ship.

 Action Bar[]

FocusTarget LockBarrel Roll

Corrected Possible Upgrades[]

EliteCrewIllicitModificationPunishing One (Title)

Original Upgrades[]

EliteTorpedoes (2)CrewSalvaged AstromechIllicitModificationPunishing One (Title)

Unique Named[]

Dengar (Crew)


  • Dengar’s ability resolves after any “after attacking” or “after defending” abilities that do not perform an attack. This is the same timing used by other abilities that perform an additional attack (such as Gunner). Additionally, this ability can occur even if Dengar was destroyed by the attack (see Timing Chart for Performing an Attack). (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.2.1, Updated 07/01/2016)
  • When Dengar uses his ability on the round that Biggs Darklighter's ability was used, if Dengar chooses to use his ability, he attacks the ship that just attacked him rather than Biggs Darklighter. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.4.0, Updated 10/25/2017)

Available Through[]

Punishing One Expansion Pack

Card Artist[]

Anthony Devine
