A Conner net was a missile-launched weapon, developed by Conner Ship Systems, that unfurled into a wide swath of highly-charged gossamer material. When it hit a ship it discharged, shorting out any operative systems and leaving the ship stranded in space. They could be negated by cap drains. Conner nets were a favorite of ship thieves like Niles Ferrier, as they could disable a ship without causing any physical damage, and could be concealed more easily than an ion cannon.
Card Text/Abilities[]
ACTION: Discard this card to drop 1 Conner net token.
When a ship's base or maneuver template overlaps this token, this token detonates.
The affected ship suffers 1 damage, receives 2 ion tokens, and skips its "Perform Action" step. Then discard the token.
If a Conner Net is dropped overlapping a ship and immediately detonates, and that ship has not yet activated this phase, that ship executes the maneuver on its dial as normal and skips its “Perform Action” step. If a Conner Net is dropped overlapping a ship and immediately detonates, and that ship has activated this phase, that ship suffers the effects of being ionized next turn and does not skip any “Perform Action” step. If a ship is ionized, executes its [1 Straight] maneuver, and overlaps a Connor Net, all ion tokens are discarded at the end of the maneuver (including those received from Connor Net). (X-Wing FAQ, Version 3.2, Updated 09/04/2015)