X-Wing Miniatures Wiki

There are different ways to customize a ship, such as adding an astromech, a secondary weapon, or an elite talent. However, each ship is limited in which upgrades and how many of each upgrade it can equip.

When building a squad, a player can field upgrades for his ships by paying their squad point cost, which is listed in the lower-right corner of each Upgrade card. The upgrade bar along the bottom of a Ship card displays icons that represent which upgrades that ship can equip. For each icon shown in the upgrade bar, the ship can equip one Upgrade card with the matching icon. Upgrade cards may be used by ships of any faction, as long as the icon appears in the ship's upgrade bar.

Some Upgrade cards have one or more of the following traits in their card text:

  • Modification: These upgrades can be equipped to any ship, but a ship is limited to one modification.
  • Title: These upgrades can be equipped to any ship, but a ship is limited to one title.
  • Limited: A ship cannot equip more than one copy of the same card with this trait.
  • Rebel/Imperial/Scum only:: This upgrade can only be equipped to a ship of the specificed faction.
  • Small/Large/Huge ship only: This upgrade can only be equipped to a ship of the specified size.
  • Ship-type only: This upgrade can only be equipped to a ship of the specified type. If the ship's type includes the entirety of the restricted type, it can equip that upgrade. For example, a TIE/fo fighter can Upgrade card restricted to "TIE Fighter only".
  • When an Upgrade card is discarded, it is flipped facedown. The card is out of play for all purposes except when determining the total squad point cost of the ship to which it was equipped. If an Upgrade card is flipped faceup by a game effect, it returns to play equipped to the same ship.

Upgrade Icons[]

Each upgrade icon uses the corresponding name listed below:

Upgrade Category Icon
Elite Talent Icon
Astromech Icon
Torpedo Icon
Missile Icon
Cannon Icon
Turret Icon
Bomb Icon
Crew Members Icon
Salvaged Astromechs
Salvaged Astromech Icon
Systems Icon temp
Title Icon
Modification Icon
Illicit Icon
Cargo icon
Hardpoint Icon
Teams Icon
Tech Icon

All items (353)
