X-Wing Miniatures Wiki
Biggs darklighter errata web
•Biggs Darklighter
PS 5 3 Weapon
Cost 25 2 Agility
Faction Rebel 3 Hull
Errata Yes 2 Shields
Size Firing Arcs
Small Primary
Pilot Ability
Once per game, at the start of the Combat phase, you may choose that until the end of the round, other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.
Focus • Target Lock
Modification • Title • Torpedo • Astromech
Maneuver Chart
Available Through
X-Wing Core Set

Biggs Darklighter grew up on Tatooine with Luke Skywalker, and shared his friend's dreams of escaping the dull desert world. After graduating from the Imperial Academy, he defected from the Empire's service to join the Rebellion. He and Luke were reunited at Yavin 4's Rebel base, and flew together against the Death Star. Luke returned from that mission as a hero, but Biggs did not survive.

Corrected Card Text/Abilities[]

Once per game, at the start of the combat phase, you may choose that until the end of the round, other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.

Original Card Text/Abilities[]

Other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.

 Action Bar[]

FocusTarget Lock

Possible Upgrades[]



Biggs Darklighter's ability does not trigger if the attacker chose a weapon that cannot target Biggs Darklighter. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.2.2, Updated 10/17/2016)

Available Through[]

X-Wing Core Set

Card Artist[]

Jenning Ludvigsen



X-Wing Strategy Tips Ep4 - Biggs Darklighter

Note: This video was made before the Biggs errata.
